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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

What we thought: Along Came a Spider by James Patterson

Mystery Readers Book Club
September 2016                                                       Along Came a Spider by James Patterson 

“They come in all shapes and sizes, all races and creeds and genders. That’s the scariest thing of all.”  James Patterson, Along Came a Spider.

 Mystery Book Club readers are all devoted fans of James Patterson and most enthusiastically read the September selection a second time. Most of them have read all of Patterson’s books and eagerly await availability of his latest books. They said they like all of his novels even the books that are collaborations with other authors and those that are published under his name but written by different authors because they are written in the same style with short chapters. Even though the book was quite long readers said they found the book engaging and easily read it to the end and were satisfied with the conclusion. Readers liked the Alex Cross Series and wondered what the last one in this series would bring.

Readers commented on the titles of the first few books in the Alex Cross series which are lines from popular kids nursery rhymes. At some point, however, he started giving the book titles names based on the main character of the series, Alex Cross. After Mary, Mary, the next book, Cross, is the first that adopts the new title style. From then on every single new novel has his name somewhere within the title.

Patterson has a great following and his books consistently are best sellers. The books are easy to read and very entertaining with great characters. Readers compared Along Came a Spider to those written by Agatha Christie and her classic mystery structure: a murder is committed, there are multiple suspects who are all concealing secrets, and the detective gradually uncovers these secrets over the course of the story, discovering the most shocking twists towards the end. Patterson brings the plot to a certain point and then changes from one red herring to another keeping readers guessing and focused on the story.

Readers discussed the character Gary Soneji and why he became a serial killer. Some were not convinced that he suffered from multiple personality disorder. They also said that Soneji appears in another of Patterson’s books, perhaps as Alex Cross’s nemesis. Other favorite characters in addition to Alex Cross were his Nana Mama and his very well behaved children Janelle and Damon. They liked his girlfriend Jezzy Flanagan until they didn’t.

The consensus was that even though the book was written from the 1990’s point of view it was still relevant. There were questions about his treatment of race relations with police and inter-racial relationships but it was decided he was true to that time period. The discussion ended with a request for reader’s favorite mystery book for the October Book Club.

“Maybe you’ll learn something about life beyond Batman.”  James Patterson, Along Came a Spider.                                                                                                                         

Have you read Along Came a Spider?  What did you think?
Please share your thoughts in comments.