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Thursday, September 10, 2015

What We Thought: Notorious by Allison Brennan

Mystery Readers

September 9, 2015


by Allison Brennan

Notorious weaves through two murders and a suicide investigation. It has all the twists and turns that you look for in a crime/thriller novel.” -- Goodreads, Britney

The first book features investigative reporter Maxine "Max" Revere and her cable television show about solving cold cases. She uses unorthodox methods in her determined search for truth and justice for the victim and his/her family and friends. She doesn’t sensationalize crimes, but presents them in a straightforward manner. She is persistent and follows her instincts despite obstacles. Readers admired her standards, treating everyone the same. If someone deserved her respect, she gave it to them. If someone was nasty, she gave it right back in kind.

Book club members engaged in a spirited discussion of the characters and their motives. This discussion was very serious with everyone participating. Readers focused on Max Revere’s motivation for her chosen career. It was decided that the mystery of her own wealthy family background and direct experiences with crime influenced her personality and determination. She stayed away from her hometown and family members and only interacted with them when absolutely necessary. She had better relationships with her employees and certain law enforcement officers, but occasionally there were problems as well. Everything was black or white with no gray areas for her and she set her own boundaries.

The central issue with Max is the mystery of her mother and abandonment. Readers expected that more will be revealed in subsequent books. (Notorious is followed by Compulsion.)

Log in to NoveList with your Holmes Public Library card number to see a list of read-alike suggestions if you like the Max Revere series by Allison Brennan. Or come in to the library and ask us for the list!

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